Changes to pick up and drop off from Monday
3rd September 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to school and the start of a new academic year. It has been wonderful to see the children today looking very smart and full of enthusiasm.
Since the start of the summer holidays we have been able to enjoy fewer restrictions and that includes some changes in school.
Firstly children no longer need to stay in bubbles but can mix with children in other classes and year groups. Schools are also no longer responsible for contact tracing; this is now being carried out by NHS Track and Trace instead of school staff.
We will however continue with the additional hygiene measures we had in place last term and staff will continue to test twice a week.
Importantly though we do not need to continue with a staggered start and end to the day.
Therefore from Monday 6th September you can use which ever entrance is most convenient for you; Delabole or Radstock and leave by the same entrance or a different one. There will be no one way system so you will be able to drop children off to the classroom door (or for the three classes upstairs, the nearest entrance downstairs).
Gates will open at 8.40am and close at 8.55am. Children must be in class by 8.50am for registration. At the end of the day gates will be open at 3pm, children in YR, Y1 and Y2 will leave the classroom at 3.05pm and children in Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 will leave the classroom at 3.10pm.
I hope that the easing of these restrictions makes the “school run” easier than it has been for a while and thank you for your co-operation throughout the pandemic. The measures and precautions you have taken have helped to keep children in school and attendance last year was 96% which was excellent. We very much hope to achieve this attendance level as well this year.
Kind regards
Mrs Chrysanthou