
The Governing Body take an active interest in the life of the school and individual Governors work in partnership with school staff on specific areas of the School Development Plan (SDP).

Representatives from the community, parents, members of the teaching team and the Headteacher form the full Governing Body which meets every term. The two committees ‘Curriculum and Self Evaluation’ and ‘Finance and Staffing’  meet, on behalf of the governing body, on a regular basis to look at key areas in further detail.

The role of the Governing Body

School Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in all schools. Governors appoint the Headteacher and are also involved in the appointment of other staff. It is the governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools and it is governors who work with the Headteacher to make tough decisions about balancing resources based on what is best for the children.

Individual Governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing Body. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Body.

The role of the Governing Body is to:

– set the vision, aims and objectives for the school

– set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives

– set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives

– monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives

– be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher

The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Body.

The Governors aim to conduct themselves and work with the school in accordance with the NGA code of conduct.

What we do

The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets once a term and is fully minuted by a dedicated Clerk to the Governors.  The agenda for a Full Governing Body meeting will include review of the school development plan, a Headteacher’s report – with particular regard to pupil progress, an update on other priority areas and reports from the chairs of our committees.

At Furzefield, we have two committees which have authority to agree and monitor policies and key actions on behalf of the full governing body.  The committees each meet once a term.  Currently our committees are:

  • Finance and Staffing – This committee sets and monitors the budget with the School Business and Headteacher and takes it to the Full Governing Body for approval.  It also reviews staffing needs. The chair of the committee is Christopher Reed.
  • Curriculum and Self-Evaluation – This committee is focused on standards and the progress made by all children in the school, the curriculum as well as the quality of teaching. Behaviour, attendance and punctuality are also reviewed at these meetings. The chair of the committee is Jan Knott.

Alongside the committees our Governor, Jan Knott, Chairs the Red Oak Advisory Group. This group comprises The Red Oak Family Centre Manager, the Headteacher, Governors and other members of staff including the School Business Manager, Local Authority representative as well as Professionals from the local community.  It meets regularly to give support, advice and discuss issues that are of importance to the families of Merstham.

Governors also have specific areas of responsibility (eg: maths, child protection/safeguarding and SEND) and are involved in working groups that focus on specific projects E.g. school ICT.

All our Governors are expected to visit the school so they know about day to day life in school.  These visits are structured and made in partnership with the Headteacher and the staff team.

If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please do so via Mrs Tait, Clerk to the Governors in the school office on .

Current list of Governors

Governor NameGovernor CategoryAppointing BodyCommittees and ResponsibilitiesDate of appointmentTerm of OfficeDate of stepping downBusiness and financial Interest(s)Governance roles in other educational institutionsMaterial interests arising from relationships between Governors or between Governors and school staffAttendance (academic year 2022 - 2023)
Martin Buckland Co-opted Governor
Governing BodyChair of Governors
Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee
All committees, plus HT's Appraisal Panel; Pay Panel
Link Governor
15/03/201815/03/2022-14/03/2026Director of HR at Work Ltd
The Scout Association (Cub Scout Leader)
Gavin Govinden
HeadteacherEx-officio by virtue of office as headteacherAll Committees
01/09/2022HeadteacherHeadteacher of FPS

Mary Dardis
Co-opted Governor
Governing BodyVice Chair of Governors
Curriculum Committee
Maths responsibility
HT's Appraisal Panel
Responsible for Health and Safety
01/04/201501/04/2019-31/03/2023Trustee of Merstham Millennium Trust90%
Elaine ForsythCo-opted Governor
Governing BodyCurriculum Committee
Responsible for liaison with LA in event of allegations against HT
Responsible for Child Protection/Safeguarding
01/06/201901/06/2019 – 4/06/2027Hawthorns School88%
Jan KnottCo-opted Governor
Governing BodyChair of Red Oak Advisory Group; on Pay Panel
Chair of Curriculum Committee
SEND (& LAC) Governor
01/04/201501/04/2019-31/03/2023Spouse is Chair of Redhill & Reigate Almshouses88%
Deborah SkeltonParent GovernorGoverning BodyDeputy Chair of Red Oak Advisory Group
English Link Governor
15/03/202215/03/2022-14/03/2026Child at FPS88%
Adam Webster
Co-opted Governor
Governing BodyICT link governor22/11/202122/11/2021-21/11/2025DHT Caterham School78%
Julie DevlinLA GovernorGoverning BodyFinance and Staffing Committee24/11/202224/11/2022 – 23/11/2026TBC100%
Kathryn ColeCo-opted GovernorGoverning BodyTBC01/02/202301/02/2023 - 31/01/2027TBC75%
Katharine KotheStaff GovernorElected by staffTBC28/09/202328/09/2023 - 27/09/2027TBCNA
Fabio IbrahimParent GovernorElected by ParentsTBC18/10/202318/10/2023 - 17/10/2027TBCNA
Caroline BlakeCo-opted GovernorGoverning BodyTBC07/02/202407/02/2024 - 06/02/2028
Governors who served and term has ended during the last year
Dora Daniels-YeboahCo-opted Governor
Governing BodyFinance and Staffing Committee21/11/202221/11/2022 - 20/11/2026
Fern WinderStaff GovernorElected by school staffCurriculum Committee06/10/202206/10/2022 – 05/10/202631/08/2023Teacher at FPS71%
Rachel CollinsCo-opted Governor
Governing BodyCurriculum Committee17/10/201919/05/2021-08/05/202509/10/2023DHT at FPS100%
Melanie RobertsCo-opted Governor
Governing BodyCurriculum Committee17/10/201816/10/2022-15/10/202609/10/2023DHT at FPS
Partner is FPS's independent H&S advisor
Gillian PotterAssociate Governor (no voting rights)Governing BodyFinance & Staffing Committee01/04/201501/09/2022-31/08/202609/10/2023SBM at FPS
Sharon ConroyAssociate Governor (no voting rights)Governing BodyFinance & Staffing Committee; Red Oak Advisory Group19/05/202219/05/2022 - 18/05/202609/10/2023The Red Oak Family Centre Manager67%
Alan GardnerLA Additional GovernorLocal AuthorityFinance Committee24/03/202324/03/2023 - 23/03/2027
Bowles Rocks Trust Director
Beauclerc and Chennestone Federation, LA Additional Governor100%
Linton WoodeCo-opted Governor
Governing BodyPE link governor22/11/202122/11/2021 – 21/11/202526/02/2024Child at FPS25%